Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Peer's posts

  • In Ali Ferguson's Post I learned about all the haunted houses in New York and how she found about 30 articles on the subject. I learned about the haunted house in cherry hill because the furniture in the house is moved and thrown around. Mostly the reason that the houses were haunted was because someone was killed inside them
  • In Noelle Carter's Post I learned about Coney Island and how it all started as Sea-Lion Park. When Coney Island was at its peak, it was considered to be a place of great attraction and it appealed more to the middle class. I also learned about all the rides at the Coney Island.
  • In Jamaree's post i learned about basketball and that it was Found by James Naismith. I learned what basketballs were made out of back then and how they used real baskets to shoot the balls at.I also learned that the first games were low-scoring and slow paced rather than today's fast paced basketball game. I also learned about the first basketball gear like the shoes and other apparel

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