Tuesday, January 31, 2012

WWI entry

             From the internet source WWI link I found out that not all the hospitals were on dry ground. some of the hospitals were aboard ships. For example the ship H.M hospital ship S.S llandovery castle was a ship where patients were treated. The piece of paper that has been scanned is the menu from the officer dining room. It was for officers only. The officers were allowed to buy bottles of wine among other things in this dining hall. The Submarine was sunk on june 17th 1918 by U-86. Only one life boat of 24 people survived from a crew of 258 men and women.

Friday, January 13, 2012

the great white fleet (what i've learned so far) 2

  • when the great white fleet set out, there were four senior officers that served in the civil war
  • the first use of wireless phones were first estabilished aboard one of these ships
  • in 1908 the government spent 1 million dollars on the construction of pearl harbor
  • when the fleet set out in 1907, it brought up a question of whether the U.S was goin to war with japan or not
  • post offices were set aboard the ships to allow the sailors to send mail to their loved ones back at home
  • there was a 14 month separation between the crew members and their loved ones
  • with ships that had 650 crew members there were more than one mail clerks

the great white fleet (what i've learned so far) 1

  • The fleet set out on December 16th 1907 at Jamestown exposition and finished its journey in February 22nd 1909 at Hampton roads.
  • the goal was to show the world the might of America
  • the battleships were divided into five classes
  • they were; illinois, maine, virginia, conneticcut, and kearsarge
  • the weight of the ships ranged from 11,500 to 16,000 poiunds
  • there are many postcards from the great white fleet's voyage. most of them are pictures of ships and the crew. others were pictures of ports and such things